- Intended Parents
- Egg Donors
- Clinics
- About Us
- Resources
- Egg Donors FAQ
- Intended Parents FAQ
- Clinic FAQ
- Glossary of Terms
- About IVF Programs
- Adoption vs Surrogacy
- Benefits for Egg Donors
- Benefits for Intended Parents
- Criteria for Donors
- Criteria for Intended Parents
- Donor Compensation
- Donation in Other Countries
- Donation in the U.S.
- Egg Donor Banks
- Egg Quality
- Egg Retrieval Process
- Fertility
- Genetic Screening
- Health Risks
- Intended Parents
- Joining the Program
- Known Donation
- Legal Considerations
- Medical Evaluation
- Non-Anonymity Options
- Ongoing Contact
- Qualifications for Recipients
- Responsibilities of Donors
- Responsibilities of Intended Parents
- Success Rates
- Time Commitment
- Understanding the Process
- Withdrawal from the Program
- Yearly Updates
- Zero Contact Options
- Media
- Contact Us
I am delighted to share the joyous news with your team that in July, our family was blessed with the arrival of twin girls, all made possible with the invaluable assistance of Egg Donors 4 All. After navigating a challenging five-year journey through fertility struggles, we find ourselves immersed in love for our prsecious additions each day. Pleae update your records to include this wonderful chapter in our family's story.