When should I consider moving on from doing IUIs to trying IVF?

Patient: Dr. Gulati, when should I think about moving from IUI to IVF?

Dr. Gulati: That’s a good question. There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to continue with IUI or try IVF.

Patient: What should I keep in mind?

Dr. Gulati: Many patients feel unsure because IUI is less complex and more affordable than IVF. They think, “If I can get pregnant through IUI, why invest in IVF?”

Patient: That’s exactly what I’m wondering. Why go for IVF if IUI might still work?

Dr. Gulati: It’s a common concern. The issue is that sometimes patients go through multiple IUI cycles with different doctors without success. They become frustrated and switch doctors, only to be advised to try IUI again, with claims that the previous attempts weren’t done right.

Patient: So changing doctors may not improve my chances?

Dr. Gulati: Correct. A new doctor might say the earlier IUIs weren’t done properly, but that’s rarely the case. At some point, repeating IUI cycles doesn’t yield better results.

Patient: How many IUI cycles should I try before considering IVF?

Dr. Gulati: Generally, after three to four unsuccessful IUI cycles, it’s a good idea to start thinking about IVF. Unfortunately, some gynecologists may keep recommending IUI because they don’t specialize in IVF, so they might hesitate to refer patients to IVF clinics.

Patient: That makes sense. So after a certain number of IUI cycles, continuing may not be the best option?

Dr. Gulati: Exactly. Once you’ve reached that point of diminishing returns with IUI, it’s time to move forward with IVF. Repeating the same treatment with different doctors won’t necessarily improve your chances. IVF could offer better results.

Patient: Thanks, Dr. Gulati.

Dr. Gulati: You’re welcome. If you want a second opinion, you can upload your reports on our website for a free review, or book a direct consultation at www.eggdonors4all.com. This could help you find the right path and potentially save costs in the long run.

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